Monthly Archives: October 2008

This Weekend: The 24-Hour Comics Day!

Just a reminder, October 18 is the 24-Hour Comics Day!

Here’s a snippet from the press release:

24 Hour Comics Day is an annual challenge for cartoonists to produce a 24-page comic book written, drawn, and completed in 24 consecutive hours. ComicsPRO, the comic book specialty retailer trade organization, recently assumed the organizational reins for 24HCD with the enthusiastic endorsement of the event’s founder, Nat Gertler, publisher of About Comics.

Over the years, the 24 Hour comic book challenge has thwarted and rewarded such comics luminaries as Scott McCloud, Dave Sim, Neil Gaiman, Kevin Eastman and many others. On 24 Hour Comics Day, creators of all ages and levels of skill and experience gather at one of the participating sites to encourage each other in completing this creative comics marathon.

On August 31st, 1990, Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics), originator of the 24 Hour comic concept, completed his first creative marathon. On April 24th, 2004 Nat Gertler organized the first 24HCD bringing together legions of participants all over the world in this annual event. In the years since, thousands have tried and many have succeeded in creating their own 24 hour comics.

Now, I’ve never participated in this event, so I have no idea what sort of trials and tribulations one has to overcome to put together a 24-page comic in 24 hours. Still, I think this is great practice. Even if you don’t get published, I don’t think there’s anything that prevents you from putting the fruits of your labor online.

And there’s something magical about spitting out comics in a hurry. It’s like bypassing all that unproductive overthinking and getting to the meat and potatoes to the matter.