Daily Archives: November 17, 2008

The Webcomic Overlook #58: Pug Davis

Pugs are awesome.

I’ve never owned a pet, partly because my wife is terribly allergic to anything with fur, but mainly because I’m lazy. Terminally lazy. I’d probably forget to feed them from weeks, then the proper authorities would be called, and then members of PETA would probably spit on me too and from my car. It would not be a pretty scene.

However, if I were ever to own a dog, I’d want a pug. Those little dudes are alternatively grotesque and fun-loving, embodying the “small tough guy with a heart of gold” aura that inspires animators from Warner Brothers to complete the look with a saucy bowler hat. Pugs always seem happy (“comedians of the dog world,” says Wikipedia), what with their big-ass grin, wrinkly upturned eyebrows, and big bulgy eyes that just seem to say, “Everything’s going to be OK, mac.” (Needless to say, they all have Brooklyn accents.) Pugs never fail to put a smile up on my face.

Which is why I was excited to hear about a comic named Pug Davis. That title’s got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Like he should be an NBA point guard playing alongside the likes of Charles Barkley and Mugsy Bogues. But, no, Pug Davis is a sci-fi story about a Buck Rogers-like hero who’s got the face of … you guessed it … a pug.

This review will feature some mature discussions, so parents be warned. Pug Davis itself, though, is mostly clean, though there are some scenes that tend to cross into the PG-13 territory.

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